Professor Martin Freer is Head of Nuclear Physics , Director of the Birmingham Energy Institute and the Birmingham Centre for Nuclear Education and research at the University of Birmingham.

The Birmingham Energy Institute is the focal point for the University of Birmingham and its partners in the West Midlands, to create change in the way we deliver, consume and think about energy. The Institute harnesses expertise from across the University to deliver co-ordinated research and education, and develop regional, national and global partnerships to create technology and policy solutions to address energy challenges. With our national and international collaborators, from both academia and industry, we are helping to define the landscape for the future.

His main research area is the study of the structure of light nuclei, using nuclear reactions. This research is performed at international facilities worldwide. In addition, he is actively engaged in promoting research and educational programmes to support the UK’s investment in nuclear power generation. He received the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Prize, Humboldt Foundation, Germany in 2004 and the Rutherford Medal (IoP) in 2010.